Network in Motion

Keynote speaker at Shibat event, Israel

February 17th, 2020

On February 17, 2020, Network in Motion‘s President, Mr. Prigat participated, as a keynote speaker in a seminar held by Sibat, Israel. 

Sibat, the International Defense Cooperation Directorate of the Israel Ministry of Defense’s, initiated a dedicated seminar focused on presenting the Japan market potential and opportunities for Israeli defense technological companies. 

Lecturers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sibat’s Experts and Business Specialists sharing their experience and discussed Israel-Japan diplomatic relationships, its unique defense situation, business collaboration opportunities. 

In lectures, Mr. Prigat described the Japanese unique business culture in light of its history and addressed Japanese decision making process, the role of trading companies in the defense arena and shared his experience in how to build & manage business relationships.

The event was crowned as highly successful by both Sibat’s representatives thanks to participants’ positive feedback, as they reported that despite their long working experience in Japan, they learned much about the Japanese decision making, do’s & don’ts, how to effectively build manage business negotiations and ongoing relationships, input that can improve their success.     

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